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想在網上發表一些有關投資的意見很久了,礙於工作繁忙;閒時也沒有心情寫作,一直也沒有做到。但是最近在旅途上看到Money Monster 這套影片,馬上有一些衝動去做一件事情:希望揭露一些我工作投行多年所見所聞,有我認為好的也有壞的,跟大家分享一下。我見過不少好像Lee Gates的人,又或是CNBC Financial News. 對他們那種經常唱好叫人入市的態度不以為然。我其實不太喜歡叫人買什麼,但比較喜歡叫人不買什麼,因為我覺得如果你不知道你投資的東西是什麼;有什麼風險,就根本不應該碰,只求坐順風車?經常聽到數字叔很多的聽眾phone in說買了蟹貨要求意見,他們可能是我有機會幫得到的人?看看吧。





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Alfred Kwan
Alfred Kwan
29 Νοε 2020

Hi 9gor,

I have been religiously following your posts for the past several months. I have learned a lot. I really appreciate your advice even though I have not done much trading. However, when you said silver will come down after it attained $24 (based on the ratio between gold and silver), I sold all my gold and silver stocks. But you did mention that there is an opportunity to buy back in November. While the price of both gold and silver continued to climb, I was getting anxious thinking if I had done the right thing in selling them all. As the price of gold continued going higher beyond $1950, I thought I might not be able …

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Alfred Kwan
Alfred Kwan
23 Οκτ 2020

Hi 9gor,

I just read how you got your name from your colleagues. Very interesting! Just by watching the video and reading your post I can see you really have a heart to help and serve people. What had happened twenty some years ago is not at all by chance, you were rewarded because you had gained the complete trust of your client.

I am still diligently following your new video. Please keep up the good work!

Best regards,


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